Know and Understand your Symptoms
Listed below are common symptoms experienced by athletes with concussions. If you have any of these symptoms after a hit or fall contact your coach, athletic trainer, or doctor immediately. Athletes may experience most of the symptoms or very few. Some cases of concussion have been reported where the victim doesn't even have a headache. That's why it's important to be aware of all the symptoms, so all concussions are acknowledged and treated properly.

- Loss of consciousness
- Headache
- Nausea or vomiting
- Dizziness
- Double or blurred vision
- Balance problems
- Sensitivity to light
- Sensitivity to noise
- Can't recall events prior to hit or fall
- Can't recall events after hit or fall
- Feeling slowed down
- Feeling like “in a fog“
For more information on concussion symptoms visit these helpful links:
Coaches, follow this link to download Vanderbilt's Coach Smart App that includes concussion guidelines and other helpful tips to keep your athletes safe.
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